viernes, 19 de noviembre de 2021




In the last 30 years in Mexico, population growth and poor urban planning have caused the congestion of large cities, causing the transfer from one point to another within the city and to the peripheries to become an average journey of between two and three hours, when they are journeys that could normally be made between thirty minutes to an hour. A clear example is Mexico City, which obtained the first place of 295 cities in traffic congestion for having a high Traffic Index.

Another factor that has aggravated the travel times is the saturation of the access roads due to the large number of cars that circulate, since these are not designed for the flow, they register day by day. For this reason, the authorities in charge of planning mobility have seen the need to design public policies aimed at venting the main access roads, improving the means of public transport, modernizing the infrastructure of the roads and creating greater accessibility to them, in order to mitigate the generation of greenhouse gases (GHG), speed up travel time and provide the population with quality services.


Given the problem of high pollution rates, it has been raised as a proposal to combat traffic congestion, the use of bicycles in the daily life of the inhabitants of Mexico. The push to promote its use has been seen as an urban mobility option, as the bicycle is used as a particular form of transport and also as a means of working. This mode of transport, when used individually, facilitates transport within the city, especially over short distances and in areas where public transport does not have access. On the other hand, the bicycle has been given another alternative function given the circumstances of the pandemic caused by COVID-19, it is used to carry out an economic activity such as the home delivery service of goods.

The use of the bicycle is an alternative for the displacement lightens the load of vehicles on the tracks. It is an ecological practice because it promotes the reduction of CO2, it is accessible, easy to handle, a cheap means of transport that improves physical and emotional health. The pandemic has increased the use of bicycles in Mexico City, the percentage rose to 20 percent and there are already just over half a million households with this means of transport.

In Mexico City there are 2.9 million cars, so it suffers from traffic congestion, noise and pollution. Cycling does not create any of these problems and requires less space, the inhabitants of Mexico City spend on average two hours a day to transport themselves from one place to another. Cycling is a faster option for short journeys than travelling by car or public transport. In addition to efficiency, cycling provides health and recreation.

The circumstances described above imply the creation of specific infrastructure in accordance with this type of vehicle, as well as the interaction with other modes of transport that exist in Mexico City such as: the metro, light rail, suburban train, metrobus, mexibús, trolleybus, colectivo, suburban bus and taxis. Finally, it is important to mention the interaction with mobile applications, which have favored the integration of the bicycle into the economic dynamics of the city. The Ecobici is used as a bicycle mobility strategy in Mexico City, designed to provide a comprehensive solution to the environmental, social, economic and health crisis of the country.


A city with high circulation of bicycles is an environmentally friendly city, as it helps reduce the levels of environmental pollution and its levels of carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrocarbons and other particles that favor air pollution.

Using the bicycle as a means of transport, either to travel short journeys, can benefit health, care for the environment and even the pocket, because it would not be spent on gasoline, maintenance, etc.




The use of the bicycle in Mexico began in the XIX century and was adopted by bakers, police, postman in everyday life the history was generated as a resource and a means of transportation for all people in Mexico.
In the last 30 years in Mexico, population growth and poor urban planning have caused congestion in large cities, causing the transfer from one point to another within the city and towards the peripheries to become an average route between two and three hours, when they are journeys that could normally be made between thirty minutes to an hour.

Another factor that has aggravated travel times is the saturation of the access roads due to the large number of cars that circulate, since they are not designed for the flow that they register day by day. For this reason, the authorities in charge of planning mobility have seen the need to design public policies aimed at alleviating the main access routes, improve means of public transport, modernize road infrastructure, and create greater accessibility to them, with the to mitigate the generation of greenhouse gases, speed up travel time and provide the population with quality.


The three main means of sustainable mobility are:
· Travel on Walking
· Use of bicycles
· Public transport.
The last one can group all public means of transport such as the subway, metrobus, light rail, suburban train, trolleybus, and cable car. These types of sustainable mobility have Multiple benefits for the environment by not emitting gases, not wasting energy, and even helping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions carbon. Regarding social benefits, they are collective and individual means of transport that promote greater inclusion and they are viable alternatives to travel distances at a low cost.



The use of the bicycle is the sustainable means in any part of the world and its displacement aligns the volume of vehicles in the big cities also you have these factors like this:

· It is an ecological practice because it promotes the reduction of CO2.
· It is accessible because it is easy to use.
· It is a cheap means of transport that improves physical and emotional health.

· Inclusion of bicycle lanes in urban development plans in Mexico.
· There is no road safety for the cyclist.
· There is no large space to make parking spaces for bicycles.
· The use of urban space for large condominiums in the city.

In Mexico, the states of Jalisco, Nuevo León, Mexico City and Querétaro have a Mobility Law that contemplates sustainable mobility in which they consider, among others, the pedestrian, cyclists, and users of public transport.

· The Mobility Law of the State of Nuevo León and the General Mobility Law, the company can move freely if the way in the one that is moved does not affect or generate a negative environmental impact.
· Mobility Law of the Federal Capital District of Mexico only refers to the movement of people, products, and services.
· These two laws directed their states to plan, expand and build mobility networks to this means of transport, as well as creating exclusive spaces to store or park bicycles.
· In the state of Jalisco, cyclists have the right to preferential mobility, to have spaces to circulate and park the bicycle, but also, they must respect the indications and the corresponding authorities.
· General Mobility Law determines the articulation of the different means of transport, this to create an interconnection with urban structure.
· None of the laws of the different states regulate the structure of bicycles as a public service as in Amsterdam that the government after 1971 created laws for their public use, work and school sponsored by the government creating urban areas, exclusive roads, urban infrastructure and promoting the use of bicycles.

Mexico is one of the countries that had to structure strict laws for the protection of the life of cyclists in a world that means of transport have become sustainable due to technological options such as electric scooters, electric bikes, and many means that people worldwide they use it as a means of saving time, money, and improving their quality of life and health.




The pandemic increased the use of bicycles in Mexico, due to the conditions we face due to isolation and sanitary restrictions to use public transport due to the crowding of people or traveling in a car changed our habits and ways of transporting ourselves, which many People left their vehicles aside and began to move and perform their needs on the bicycle, since it is the most hygienic, with a healthy distance, it is healthy, economical and also without neglecting its ecological-sustainable contribution. Due to this, the use of bicycles as transport has increased by 221% since the beginning of the contingency, as reported by the Mexican Association of Transport and Mobility (AMTM). Due to the growing number of cyclists, the government was motivated to enable 54 kilometers of temporary bicycle lanes on two main avenues, one of them, on Insurgentes avenue, an important avenue that crosses the capital from north to south, so this resource contributed to more users join to use the bicycle. The use of this means of transport in Mexico became a heyday as a subsistence tool by which income is generated, which is why cyclists demand safer mobility in the face of the numerous accidents that have occurred.


The pandemic encouraged greater use of bicycles as a means of urban transport. In Mexico City, it is evident a massification of its use, encouraged by the creation of new confined roads on the part of the capital authority. The bicycle is experiencing a new boom in CDMX. The pandemic filled the street with cyclists, from the delivery man or courier who goes out to earn his day to the employee who seeks to arrive without exposing himself to infections at his work.

1. Alternative means of transport: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the bicycle strengthened its quality as an alternative source of safer and cheaper mobility in Mexico City.

2. Lower risk of contagion of Covid-19: Its use as urban transport significantly reduces the chances of contagion of SARS-CoV-2.

3. Ensured physical distancing: The use of the bicycle reduces the possibility of physical distancing.

4. New means of urban transport: Mexico City had been experiencing a slow transition towards new mobility models such as bicycles, electric skates and electric motorcycles.

5. Greater use of bicycles and other means: During the pandemic, the use of alternative transport increased exponentially.

6. Increase in bicycle trips: According to data from the Ministry of Mobility (Semovi), trips have increased by 221% since March 2020, at peak times in some areas of the city such as the emerging bike path of Avenida Insurgentes, while trips by public transport and private car have fallen by up to 50%.

7. New routes for travel: During the pandemic and to favor the use of individual transport systems, Semovi established new measures to encourage and protect the mobility of urban cyclists, with new bike lanes and shared lanes.

8. More cyclists on the street, more risks: The increase in the flow of cyclists on the streets also brought with it an increase in accidents and deaths of cyclists. The increase in users has also been the number of accidents with cyclists, which rose by 120% last year, so alternatives must be sought with the authorities to protect urban cyclists.

9. More cyclists on the street, greater need for protection: Faced with the growth of risks, the authority presented a new program to reduce the number of road accidents and protect cyclists and pedestrians.

Due to the pandemic, Mexico has taken actions to make pedestrian streets and multiply the lanes for cyclists in order to allow displacements to respect physical distance and also due to the risk of overcrowding in public transport, they have begun improvements to their infrastructure for cyclists with bike lanes and spaces for bicycles in parking lots. There are important challenges, even so Mexico City currently has 322 kilometers of bike lanes and the goal is to achieve 600 kilometers.

According to the Economic Information Bank of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in August 2020 111.7 thousand bicycles were manufactured in Mexico, the highest monthly production achieved throughout the year. This increased manufacture of bicycles has to do with the use of the bicycle for transportation and as a way to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus in public transport. Just at the beginning of the pandemic, online sales of this type of vehicle grew by 200% in Mexico, while several stores reported a shortage of spare parts.



Mexico City has promoted the use of bicycles through different actions aimed at encouraging the use of this mode of transport and taking advantage of all its benefits, with an accessible, safe, comfortable and functional infrastructure for pedaling throughout the city. Using the bicycle as a vehicle for daily transfers brings individual and community benefits. In Mexico, almost 2.2 million people use a bicycle as a means of transportation, another 488 thousand use it to go to school.

In Mexico, regardless of the specialty of the company, the bicycle is an ally of the employees and promoting it brings great benefits.

1. Identify the needs of your team:

ü Short individual trips, for simple tasks or access to goods and services.

ü Delivery trips, transfer of heavy or bulky goods.

2. Links and trains: Familiarize the team with the existing tools and how they are used.

3. Incentive / Motivate: It grants benefits to those who use the bicycle to go to work.

The bicycle is closely related to the local economy in Mexico: from the possibilities for consumers to the tools for the distribution of goods.

1. Consumers

ü Facilitates consumer needs

ü Democratize spaces

ü Reduce transportation costs

ü Promotes active mobility

2. Business

ü Diversify the market

ü Greater visibility on a human scale

ü Can reduce operating costs

ü Reduces environmental impact

Bicycle messaging services are the link between consumers and businesses: they are sources of employment and part of the supply chain.

ü Low operating costs

ü Job creation

ü Less emissions from transport

ü Strengthens the bicycle industry

ü New technologies

ü Quality of life in the city

The arrival of delivery services by application has also diversified the bicycle workforce in CDMX: Specialized couriers and delivery men have specific needs.

1. Traditional messaging

ü Greater coverage

ü Specific services

ü Specialization

ü Freelancers

2. Delivery men

ü Demand-based coverage

ü Concentration in the food industry

ü Homogeneous equipment requirements

ü Enforcement workers

Equipment costs and availability, information, professionalization of the bicycle industry and integration into the markets, are some of the challenges that Mexico will face to improve and increase the use of the bicycle within the economic sectors.

The rise of app-based food delivery services contributed to non-motorized mobility. The distributors began to use Insurgentes to connect, seeing this phenomenon the government decided to make it emergent to improve security.


ü Commuting by bicycle reduces the possibility of contagion of COVID-19 in relation to public transport. The bicycle is a sustainable, accessible, reliable, clean and ecological means of transport that contributes to environmental management, benefits health and currently in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; it is the safest means of transport to avoid transmission.

ü When going from a phase of isolation to one of distancing, to resume some productive and commercial activities that require us to transport ourselves, the use of bicycles is a priority. In that sense, in Mexico the use of bicycles increased in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this increase meant 221%.

ü It is necessary to have more precise considerations regarding cyclists that strengthen the mobility system, road planning, road safety, their rights and the responsibility of local and federal governments to design the regulatory frameworks that govern their operation Above all, public policies must guarantee and prioritize the safety of pedestrians and cyclists and the definition of bicycle lanes so that bicycles become a customary means of transport and thus can become a permanent mobility option.

ü The use of bicycles as a means of transportation and work has increased enormously in Mexico. An increasing number of people use this means as a way to get around and fulfill their needs safely and quickly and others do so because of the need to work and that is where the government should further promote the use of this means of transport and the temporary bicycle lanes during the pandemic become permanent and also mitigate private vehicles and therefore the reduction of these lanes.

Made by:Maria Alejandra Huertas 

The different designs of bicycles are based on their function, in this country there is more than 40% of the population that uses this means of transport, personally I think it is an excellent idea and very friendly to our environment, as we should do it we all take care where we live. There are several types of bicycles, in this part of the blog we are going to talk about those that are used for robust types of terrain, speed development, less weight or greater strength, greater speed to compete, among others.


1. Mountain Bikes (MTB)
Mountain bikes (also known as MTBs) are designed for 'off road' so they are quite strong. They are equipped with wide rims with marked patterns to improve grip on loose terrain. They regularly use straight or double height handlebars.
MTBs can be found without suspension (rigid), with front suspension (hardtail) or with full suspension (full-suspension) depending on their specialty: Cross country, Enduro, Downhill, Freeride

2. Road Bikes
They are bicycles aimed at obtaining speed on pavement, of lighter construction than other bicycles, they are equipped with larger, thinner wheels and fitted with narrow rims and with a smooth tread. Road bikes use drop-bar handlebars for a more aerodynamic stance.

3. Hybrid Bicycles
Hybrid bikes are quite versatile as they combine characteristics of both mountain and road bikes. These bicycles were born as a solution for those who need a bicycle for the city, but that has the flexibility to be used on different terrains. The frames are resistant and with a geometry that allows you to adopt a comfortable position that allows you to relax your arms and neck.

4. Urban Bicycles
In this case, we refer to Dutch style bikes as urban bikes.
These bicycles were conceived for the city, so they are of fairly solid construction both in their frame and in their wheels. They are perfectly adequate to withstand the conditions of a city (potholes, sidewalks, bumps, etc.)
It usually has fenders for rainy days, luggage rack and / or basket to transport everything you need to go to work, to the supermarket, etc. A common feature of this type of bicycle is the presence of lights to keep us always visible to drivers.
They usually have a single speed, or internal gear system if necessary.
These bikes allow for a relaxed arm and torso position.

5. Folding bikes
The vast majority of these bicycles use small wheels, 16 and 20 ″ being the most common, although it is possible to find folding wheels with more conventional wheels. Almost all the folding ones are designed for urban use, however there are models that endure long trips without problems.
Important: We must bear in mind that we put each and every one of the types of bicycles that are used within this country, since the vast majority of the population uses them in their daily lives, something that we should implement in all the countries of the world.

The areas where bicycles are most used in Mexico are in:

1. Circuits in Mexico City and the Metropolitan Area to practice, train and perfect yourself in cycling

2. Circuit in Ciudad Satélite (North of Mexico City)

3. City center (people go to work by bike)

4. Chapultepec cycling circuit: El sope.

5. Bicentennial Park.

6. Circuit in Ciudad Universitaria.

7. Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez.

And it is within these places that are the most common to ride a bike, that there are public parking lots, it is everyone's responsibility, where the vehicle is left, but if there are any and they offer us this parking service.
When we talk about parking for our bicycles we can find anywhere and in every corner where to leave it safely, in many cases parking is not charged, only in shopping centers and other specific ones would charge, otherwise it is free, and on account own. responsibility.

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Made by: JACKELINE AVILA  INTRODUCTION In the last 30 years in Mexico, population growth and poor urban planning have caused the congestion ...